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Published 01 Mar 2011

With this Plugin you could connect your Tumblr account on your WordPress blog, so you can view the discussion of your Tumber into a post or a page of your WordPress Blog.

The reason for the construction of the Plugin was a user of our Forum, calling for help in linking the Tumblr with his WordPress blog. So rather than get in the process of explaining the complex process of linking, we create the wp-tumblr-embeder doing the same thing, easier and faster.

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Published 05 Feb 2011

The WP phpBB Bridge is the development of «WordPress to phpBB3 Bridge» which is written by Jason Sanborn. The first version of the plugin was designed to synchronize users of phpBB users to WordPress so that the user is once in phpBB and be simultaneously connected and WordPress.

The new version added new features and improved so as to exploit many of the features of WordPress previously was not available. Also we add a new Widget to give you more options for your blog.

After activating the Plugin, the user is redirected to connect and disconnect at phpBB. Also, the record within the phpBB3 and not WordPress. If a user does not exist in the tables in WordPress, then a new user is created . It should also be noted that after the activation of several of the functions of phpBB will be available in WordPress.

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